Moi. I’m a Finnish multidisciplinary artist based in Turku, Finland.
I work with animation, installation, (textile) sculpture, text, and drawing. I create pieces and spaces that invite the audience to slow down and pause for a moment, to look closer and wonder what is in front of us, who put it there and why. I’m especially interested in shared experiences that hover between personal and general; emotions and affects that are experienced privately but spring from the culture and society around us.
Repetition, serialization and continuity are characteristic of my work, and over the years my practise has had several thematic periods. I have worked on themes such as competition, performance-based society, disappointment, failure, identity, and Anthropocene.
I’m currently circling around absence. I am fascinated by the ambivalence of it, its elusive nature and essence, which requires presence to exist. It is not nothing. It is something that is not there. Absence keeps one curious in the numerous ways one can approach it. With the traces it leaves behind and the interpretation they need. With its contradictions. And I’ve taken one of them as my starting point: the materiality of absence.